
March 14, 2009
So I JUST got back from the theater. At the end of the credits I got out my notebook and pen, ready for note taking. I managed to get this down:
  • Rorscharch is perfect. Jumps off the page onto the screen.
  • Nite Owl's basement is just like the graphic novel.

    Then I realized that notes weren't necessary, because it is the novel on the screen. Every bit, from what I can remember anyway. So. If you want to save some money, it's worth it to add your name on the waitlist at the library for this novel.

    Final remarks:
  • Music was awesome, can't miss with the classics.
  • Ozymandias and Rorscharch could possibly only exist in the novel and on the screen. Were those actors? (I'm being rhetorical here people)
  • I knew it was long going into it, and I'm glad it was.

    Being a person who enjoys the Harry Potter books more than the movies, I love this film because it is exactly what the book was. In a way it was a little of a letdown, nothing new happened haha. But that is how it should be.
    Love it, but will wait for DVD for the 2nd round. A-

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