Oscars Comedy 2008-09

March 30, 2009
Just in case you missed it, this is the 2008-09 Comedies presentation from the Oscars. It helps explain why I think of Stellan Skarsgard as "Orlando Bloom's dad, in Pirates of the Caribbean."

Angels and Demons

March 29, 2009

I am really looking forward to Angels and Demons! Even more so because Ewan McGregor has the best role in the entire movie. Yes. He does. I am liking "Orlando Bloom's dad, from Pirates of the Caribbean" (Stellan Skarsgard) as Richter as well. If you watched the Oscars you will get that whole Pirates thing.

Here are the infamous ambigrams that will be featured in the film (at least they were in the book):

Illuminati Ambigram

Earth Ambigram

Air Ambigram

Water Ambigram

Illuminati Diamond

Thanks to cultofdanbrown.com for the images.

Mr. Jeff Burton

REBEL Revealed!

March 23, 2009
O yes! Just found out, (PST), Mika IS REBEL! O yes, how good it is.


March 14, 2009
So I JUST got back from the theater. At the end of the credits I got out my notebook and pen, ready for note taking. I managed to get this down:
  • Rorscharch is perfect. Jumps off the page onto the screen.
  • Nite Owl's basement is just like the graphic novel.

    Then I realized that notes weren't necessary, because it is the novel on the screen. Every bit, from what I can remember anyway. So. If you want to save some money, it's worth it to add your name on the waitlist at the library for this novel.

    Final remarks:
  • Music was awesome, can't miss with the classics.
  • Ozymandias and Rorscharch could possibly only exist in the novel and on the screen. Were those actors? (I'm being rhetorical here people)
  • I knew it was long going into it, and I'm glad it was.

    Being a person who enjoys the Harry Potter books more than the movies, I love this film because it is exactly what the book was. In a way it was a little of a letdown, nothing new happened haha. But that is how it should be.
    Love it, but will wait for DVD for the 2nd round. A-
  • The Economy

    When someone who has been working at the same job at a company that was one of the first in my town for 35 years gets fired with one days notice, I'm floored. And thankful for what I have.

    Updated Spiritual Number. It does change after all.

    March 13, 2009

    Your Spiritual Number is One

    You bring a strong, positive energy into other people's lives.

    Your intentions are pure, and because of this, you are powerful when you act.

    Right now, your life is both about new beginnings and closure.

    It's not an understatement to say that your whole world is changing.

    No matter what comes to pass, you are ready to tackle it.

    You have the ambition and drive to have your life turn out the way you want it to.

    Excellent YouTube Video

    100 Movies, 100 Quotes, 100 Numbers

    Who is REBEL?

    March 9, 2009

    I want to post here that I believe the REBEL in Heroes is...... Mika. I have thought this since the 1st or 2nd episode REBEL appeared on the computer. This is proof of my thoughts. Pull it out for the good guys Mika!

    I'm not totally off base here right?

    Brazilian Job Update

    Wowzers, finally something to confirm an awesome sequel isn't dead. I have to go to class... here's the link - Brazilian Job is NOT Dead

    And I have not seen Watchmen yet, and refuse to read any reviews until I do.

    Awesome Star Trek Trailer

    March 6, 2009
    I had to give a shout out for Karl "Eomer" Urban. I am glad we get to see him as a not-so-stoic character, which hasn't happened since LotR. And such an established one as Dr. McCoy! Simon Pegg and John "Harald" Cho are nice additions too. Yay for awesome trailers! I think I may be a new Michael Giacchino fan. (composer)

    "Final" Wolverine Trailer

    This trailer pretty much includes everything from the previous trailers, with more. Be sure to watch it in full screen. I want to watch the real deal! Right. Now.