James Cameron's 'Avatar' Trailer

August 24, 2009

Woah! I did not know what to expect when I pressed play. The CG is amazing. Wow! It won't break records like Cameron's last movie Titanic, but it will do well. Yay for an original movie!
Avatar is due out December 18th, 2009!

Useful Quote Image

August 11, 2009

Source (s):sajithmr.com

New WoW 'Cataclysm' Expansion Pack to bring Worgens and Goblins?

Remember how Blizzard trademarked the name Cataclysm in July? It appears it's the name of the next World of Warcraft expansion.

WoW.com, citing "multiple sources close to the situation," claims that World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will be the third expansion for the wildly popular MMORPG. They also state that Cataclysm will add two new playable races to the game: the werewolf-like Worgen will join the Alliance while the Horde will accept the little green Goblins into their ranks.

BlizzCon 2009 will take place on August 21st and 22nd. If this rumor is legit, one would expect some sort of announcement from Blizzard during that time.

WHY does Alliance get all the cool characters? The only somewhat decent one for chicks in Horde is the Blood Elf. Too bad I've gone cold turkey for the time being. I'm bound to relapse at some point.

Source (s): cinemablend.com