Harry Potter in Empire Magazine

September 9, 2010

I don't know about you but reading this article at EW.com makes me want to buy the newest issue of Empire magazine. Here's a sample of what I mean (some spoiler alert) -->
... And Emma Watson totally got me explaining a scene written specifically for the screen of Hermione leaving her parents’ home — and erasing their memories of her. “You don’t read that in the book; you just know she does it…. You see Ron’s home and Harry’s. But you never really get a sense of Hermione’s life outside Hogwarts, outside that friendship, and it’s important,” Watson says. “She’s not just going off to school for another year. You’re choosing between family and friends; it’s pretty brutal. They offer her a cup of tea, completely unaware that anything’s about to happen, and then I cast a spell that wipes their memory of me. There’s photos all around the room, actual childhood pictures of me, and they just dissolve. It’s horrible. And then I have to shut the door and walk out alone.”
Read more of the article over at EW.com but to get the whole goodness of these awesome interviews pick up the latest issue of Empire magazine.


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